A library… with books… in Tete!
My appointment with the director of the Universidade Catolica de Tete was at 9am. The director received me warmly and seemed personable and interested in our topic. He's got research of his own underway: "Which local traditions have survived the influence of the Church?" Now there's a topic you can look at for years! He offers me coffee which I accept. (I'm offered coffee just about anytime I visit Catholics!) He chats about his reading habits and is interested in our work in local languages. He loves newspapers! He buys all of them, even the ones that aren't available in Tete. Since he has other business to attend to, I'm turned over to his PR manager with instructions that she should show me around and answer all my questions. Library door to the right... the Great Zambezi across the road! We tour the small campus compound situated on one of the main streets parallel to the Zambezi River. The buildings belong to the Catholic Church and were used f...