Sr. Carlos Respeito do Livro

Today I stopped at the famous newsstand in from of Hotel Zambezi. I say it is famous because everyone indicates it as a place they know where you can buy reading material. I asked the guy for an interview and didn't learn much new.

The salesman is named "Carlos Respeito"… respeito is "respect" in English.

He sells about 25 newspapers a day. Mostly he sells "Noticias"… that is the paper distributed by the people I talked to in the first interview. So, his 25 is included in the number I got from the first lady. I'm still not finding new stuff being sold. I asked if people often ask for stuff that he doesn't sell. "Yes, sometimes they want school books that I don't have here."

Anything besides school books? "Yes, Bibles. People want Portuguese, Shona and Chewa Bibles."

Do people ask for Nyungwe Bibles? "Yes, lots of people do, but I don't have them."

Next week he will have a stack of Maliko, Mark in Nyungwe, for sale at his newsstand! I'll keep you posted.


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