
Showing posts from August, 2021

Our fragile strength

Preface: I just opened this blog and I found this unpublished from January 1019 and labeled "Unfinished... needs big edit." After reading it again, I didn't find much to edit, but I did realize that we are all "unfinished" and we do all need "a big edit" in one way or another. Here it is: The first time I held my newborn daughter I was overwhelmed. She was immediately familiar. She was tiny, and I expected her to be fragile. I was surprised by her strength! Do you know what I mean? Small and fragile, but still strong and full of life? She couldn't hold up her own head, but she had a will and a power demonstrated by her scream and the clench of her fist and that amazing moment she latched on to nurse at my breast. Let's just acknowledge it is possible to be fragile and strong at the same time! Messages to us these days seem to be: You can do anything! They will try to hold you back! You are beautiful just like you are! You are enough! ...