Pieces of 1 Peter...

There is a friend from long ago who upon deciding to follow Christ chose to memorize the book of 1 Peter. I was her "hearer"... the first 2 chapters are so familiar to me even today. There is so much I've learned from and leaned on in this epistle that it's become a part of my psyche. It is good to have verses that live in you. They are there before you know it even if you've left Bible reading aside for far too many days... again.

Like strangers in the world...

So that your faith, of greater value than gold, can be proved genuine...

We, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house...

The enemy is like a roaming lion seeking someone to devour...

Know that for now you will suffer all kinds of trials...

Love one another deeply, from the heart...

Cast your anxiety on him, for he cares for you...

Submit to authority... live as free people... show proper respect for everybody...

Even the angels long to look into these things...

Pieces of Peter bring me peace in these transitional days. Don't call me a brave missionary. I'm just another one of those followers just like you. I have the same weakness - and more, I'm sure. I fail daily to discipline my flesh. I most often do what I want and am impatient and grumpy with those I love most. I'm human.

BUT... I've got peace. I am forgiven. What would life be like without peace? I don't want to go there. I've not been there for so long I'm sure I'd feel tormented by the pressure to live well and dream big and walk strong in my own power. I don't have to. I'm not walking alone. I'm forgiven by my Creator and have hope that through his help, all this will pass. Being a stranger pursued by that lion is temporary, but that peace that Peter knows, that is forever.

Our first days back in Tete have been a series of trials. We planned to hit the ground running. We believed that the right car would be in the right place at the right price at the right time- it was, but the money was delayed in transfer. I got a horrible eye infection upon arrival, nearly blinding me in my right eye and making unpacking nearly impossible for days. We found help from friends as we stumbled instead of sprinted through the first week back in this African town. Sustained by chicken enchiladas, just like grandma made and impala chili like we've never tasted before that were lovingly left in our freezer to make our first days easier. Talk about love... those muffins and banana bread hit the spot on days we needed a little extra comfort.

So the trials are tempered with the love of friends and the many prayers of people far and wide. We're back and we are reminded that you all are a part of our return. Those who love and those who pray us through. Hang on with us... this might be some ride, Dear Friends!


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