Back to Isoka?

Well, now they say that the car IS in Isoka, Zambia, far away...

"They" might be the Interpol representatives we tried to contact...

The police give conflicting reports, so SOMEONE is lying...

The Swedish Embassy is being more helpful than the US Embassy... They will confirm that Interpol is working on the case.

We managed to send 2 faxes today to Zambia... we've tried all week, but just found out that they country has added 2 digits to the area codes, therefore we weren't getting anyone... go figure!

Toyota managed to get us a copy of our vehicle registration... Thanks!

David's car is still not really driveable. The mechanic who should fix it tripped and spilled boiling liquid on his foot today... so, he couldn't come by.

I had a rough day... transportation for my kids fell through at lunch time. Last minute angels stood up to help out and take the boys for the afternoon... then, after sports later on, John got left at his buddy's house and everyone else got the ride home! He was "returned" all smiles and had enjoyed his long visit... never knew that he was missing.

So, keep praying. This is getting monotonous. We really need a break. I need to think about something else to write about. So, send me some suggestions in a comment below... then I will know that you are still with me... and I will be able to stop writing pathetic entries about missing cars!


  1. Hallo Jeni vi tycker du är en fantastisk missionär och vi tackar Gud för att du valde Mikael till din man.Det har betytt mycket för honom det vet vi men det har också betytt mycket
    för oss också. Det känns tryggt för oss at veta att Mikael har en hustru med det andliga resning och styrka som du har. Vi fortsätter o ber för er.
    Idag har vi firat Martina som fyllde 1 år Lawi o Bulozes minsta,jätteroligt tårtan som Irene bakat smakade jättegott.Här har vi snö och några minusgrader snart ska vi gå till sängs.
    Rika välsignelser från Herren

  2. Definitely still with you! And loving you! And praying for you!

  3. Oh, my dear sister, we are praying and God is in control! I know you are frustrated, and anyone would be. I know you are really feeling stranded in a third world country, but hey....we are just thankful that you are all okay. We, as your family, can't help but rethink the situation you were in that rainy night, and we are just thankful you ARE!
    You could blog about your kids and their adjustments back to've got 3 of them, I'm sure you have some interesting stories abou them! Do not be discouraged, it's gonna be okay! We love you bunches!

  4. Dearest Jeni,
    Please know that we are still with you in this! I continue to put exerpts in the Missions Minute to keep the congegation on-board. Just today Ray and I had lunch with a missionary who you don't even know. He had read about you in our Missions Minute, and wanted to know how he could give to you. So be encouraged! We are with you! As for something to write about, tell us what about what you got in the packages you are opening once a day:-)
    Love and Blessings,


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