
Showing posts from September, 2013

Be still and know...

My friend Gigi takes amazing pictures. She has lived in Tete for about 3 years or so. When she came, she said she wanted to find beauty wherever she was. I said, "Good luck, you are in Tete now!" She has shown me the beauty of the place around me and I look at my African home differently. I want to thank Gigi for showing so many of us here in this dry, dusty place where the beauty is. Her blog is  SnappingAfrica . Have a look. It is a wonderful glimpse of life here in Tete! Baobab It towers over everything around it. It looks dead. Waiting for the two months of rain during the hottest part of the year. For just a fraction of the year there is respite. Otherwise, wait. Still. You can't tell it is alive until it buds and blossoms and produces fruit. Those seemingly dead branches give fruit every year. The baobab stands in God's stillness and waits for the blessing of rain. Through the burning sun and the drought with no sign of help. It knows. God is here. In hi...

Pieces of 1 Peter...

There is a friend from long ago who upon deciding to follow Christ chose to memorize the book of 1 Peter. I was her "hearer"... the first 2 chapters are so familiar to me even today. There is so much I've learned from and leaned on in this epistle that it's become a part of my psyche. It is good to have verses that live in you. They are there before you know it even if you've left Bible reading aside for far too many days... again. Like strangers in the world... So that your faith, of greater value than gold, can be proved genuine... We, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house... The enemy is like a roaming lion seeking someone to devour... Know that for now you will suffer all kinds of trials... Love one another deeply, from the heart... Cast your anxiety on him, for he cares for you... Submit to authority... live as free people... show proper respect for everybody... Even the angels long to look into these things... Pieces ...