I really wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised!
On the way out of England, we sat at the Heathrow Airport gate drinking coffee and nibbling leftovers that I thought suitable for breakfast - raisins and dried cranberries, leftover cereal crumbles and nuts and a handful of chocolate chips. Finally, there were 3 fortune cookies dumped in that Ziploc bag. I opened mine: "You will succeed because you are not easily impressed." I didn't quite know what to think about that, but it stuck in my head. Maybe that was a fitting note for my departure from England. I think I owe the country an apology. I was a prejudiced little American snob about England. I didn't think it could really be that special. I know, many of my compatriots think England is an epitome of culture and beauty. They think the English do things "right"... even if upon closer examination, we find some things to be just plain "un-American"! I thought the houses would be drafty and somewhat lacking in modernity and that the weather would...