
Showing posts from July, 2010

Loofah- the 101st post

Thanks for your guesses. I have been offline for over 2 weeks. Today, the internet is back. Hopefully it will last awhile! I've downloaded all my emails... and updated all my anti-virus software. Checking up on MozamWeek is the third thing on my list! Melons, gourds, pumpkins and cucumbers are all related, I think. The picture on my 100th post (no, I didn't realize it was the 100th until just now) is a loofah fruit! You can look it up on the internet. Actually, it seems they are grown quite well in Tennessee according to one source. I always thought loofah were sponges... good for bath scrubbing. Well, you can eat them before they dry out. We did. It was pretty good, but mixed with other stuff in a stir-fry, so I didn't notice any real taste. I guess no one won that one... I could give a prize to Arne Bister, but HE didn't guess. He was here when we ate it! Thanks again for checking in on us. Christy, Crickett, and Arne are the only ones who made a guess. I guess you ar...

What is it?

For those of you who have never lived in the Southern Hemisphere, this might seem like a new exotic fruit... or vegetable. In fact, I have eaten this several times in Mozambique. When they are fresh and green like this one, you sometimes see them in the market. Usually they just grow wild and people gather them for stews. I don't know anyone who actually plants them, though I'm sure you could. To register your guess, go to the actual MozamWeek site. Then click to comment on this post an follow the instructions. Hint: You can buy it at Wal-Mart and you may already have one at home!

Click here for Mark Dedication Pictures We had a great day. All the VIPs from town... from out of town... family members from overseas... and a couple of volunteers who actually flew in with the books we planned to dedicate! I've included all the pictures here... instead of just picking and choosing. Choose for yourself. God is Good!