
Showing posts from May, 2010


Mark is coming to Tete... printed a couple of weeks ago, we are searching for the best way to get this Gospel from Nampula to Nyungwe-land. First, we tried to print it locally... that proved to be an expensive error. A simple paper cover was going to cost 50 cents per copy... in addition to the dollar for the text to be copied. A dollar and a half for a 40 pg. booklet is steep for a Mozambican. And, we did actually want to be able to GIVE AWAY a whole pile of the things! So, we asked our printshop in Nampula how much a thousand copies would cost. 49 cents/copy (including cover, collating, staples and everything). Shipping to Tete by air... will only cost a few cents per copy! So, we can get a copy of Mark for about a half-dollar with better quality than doing it here. Praise the Lord for our branch headquarters in Nampula! Thank Him for Susan and her team that set up and run the printshop to provide quality booklets for Mozambican projects! Susan has worked for years to train Mozambica...

Back online

Here in our part of the world we have been having communication problems. Internet and cell phones have been mostly off with rare occasions of reduced functionality (I've always hated that word, but here I go using it in public!). They tell us things are just about back to normal, and we are trying to catch up on a backlog of missed communications. Hooray for Internet! Just now, I'm writing this while my anti-virus is being slowly updated for the first time in a month. I've had several text messages reminding me to check on scheduling for visitors in the next month (we are getting Mikael's parents for a month, but also our Director, Seed Company rep, and some Discovery Team volunteers while they are here!) I replied to several e-mails asking for clarification of our plans in this year. Yep, we've been out of the loop. I think we are back. Try us and see! Even though we are blessed with great ways to stay in touch, this reminds us that we are still off in a corner of...