So what's new?

  • It isn't chilly at night for most members of family.
  • The bridge over the Zambezi is being renovated... one-lane traffic... long lines and waits between home and school. We left school at 4:30 yesterday and arrived at home at 6pm. It is usually a 15 minute drive. It is often 45 minutes, but yesterday was the worst!
  • Fuel crisis... well, sometimes we have enough diesel in town and sometimes we don't.
  • The Hill... There is now a pile of sand on The Hill. Querino, the defender of the Hill, has brought a big load of thatch from the village and is storing it in a "pit" by his house. We expect a truckload of rock to arrive today for the foundation of a storage/guard house. We have bought 1,200 bricks that still need to be hauled over the highway and up the hill. The mason is charging about $60 to build the guard-house up to the roof. Then I need to get someone else to put the roof on. We have chosen a registered technician to draw our house plans and submit them to the city council. That's all for now.
  • We have one more week of school then the kids are out for a month! So... what will I do with them home for a month? I'm thinking of sending them to the Hill to learn bricklaying :)
  • Our course at the Bible school is "pending" until further notice. We were planning to spend part of August at the Bible School to finish off our course, but there is an immigration/labor issue that the school is dealing with, so they can't have missionaries teach right now.
  • We will go to Nampula for translation checking and training in October. Haven't been there since 2006!
  • We will teach a short seminar on translation/interpretation for our church... they are trying to have a Bilingual service, but need some tips...
  • Kers are planning to come down on Friday and stay over the weekend! Fun to have visitors again.
  • I'm leading the Forum for Education Partners - committee for teaching and training... that means that we are working on formalizing partnership with other education NGOs in Tete.
  • We meet with the local pastors' association on Thursday afternoon... they will decide how we will operate in a new association that will determine where we will build the office and library that is planned, but stalled.
So, if any of those things strikes you as a prayer request, please pray! We are praying for our partners, fellow ministers, friends and family, and the Nyungwe people, Bible tranlstion, and practical stuff that pull all of those things together.

Together, we can make progress towards the goal God has put before us... and the vision He has put in our hearts. One step at a time... sometimes I just hope for a leap, but landing often hurts when you jump!


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