Guest writer... Jakob age 7
Today is Saturday.
I like it when I have a day off school.
I watched TV in the morning. It was "Yakari" a cartoon from Brazil. I don't understand everything, but it's about an indian child. Then I ate pancakes with chocolate frosting (left-over from Mom's birthday cake) for breakfast. I got candy to eat outside.
On weekends, Samuel is here. He's our guard; he works outside at our house. Today I saw Samuel kill a spitting cobra! It was on the ground in the bushes in the yard. It was white and black and as fat as my thumb and as long as my arm up to my elbow. It was a baby one. I'm glad Samuel is here! He hit it with a long fat stick 3 times and then on the neck and it died. Then he picked it up with the stick and threw it over the fence.
I would like to kill a snake one day, Mom hopes it will not be soon!
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