
Hi. Been awhile, hasn't it? Glad you didn't give up on me completely!

The second seminar/workshop went as well as the first. Actually, they each had unique challenges and benefits, but the outcomes were equally well-received. From May 26 to June 5 we were involved in writing the Nyungwe Primer in Tete. A Primer is a book that teaches reading and writing... the alphabet, grammar points, etc. This one was for adults, but I have a feeling it will end up being used for kids as well.

60 lessons in 1o days. We invited writers from the first seminar, but didn't get much participation from outside the churches. Apparently we don't pay well enough. BUT the ones who did help us seemed to enjoy it in the end and I think they learned something. They also see that the simplest writing needs the most thought and preparation. It is a real stretch of the mind and immagination to write a comprehensible story with 5 vowels and the letter "n". We could only include taught letters... adding one each lesson. Lots to keep track of along the way.

Upon presenting the draft to the official education agency, the writers, and a few friends, we have been really encouraged to see the reactions. First, Nyungwe people like reading about things they know and understand... the Tete culture comes through strongly in the simple stories. The department of education sees this as a step towards fulfilling the goal to make literacy available to non-portuguese speakers. The expat community sees the Primer as a help in learning Nyungwe. Churches see it as opening a door to reading that will make the Bible accessible to those who will never learn to read in Portuguese.

There have been many clues to show that God was really behind the timing of these two important seminars. We have made contact with people and gotten the attention of several groups that were not interested before. Keep praying! God hears!

Now... why the silence on our end? May was basically so busy that I didn't sit at a computer with internet for more than about 2 hours in the whole month. June started up with internet problems in Tete that don't really have any cure in sight! We are overnighting with friends in Malawi. First internet in 2 weeks! I'd better post this and check my email!

We are taking advantage of the kids' school break to have a family get-away in Malawi over a long weekend. Haven't been across this border for nearly 3 years! This will be the first time we visit Lake Malawi as a family. I've never been to the Lake. Mikael was here in 1995, I think! Maybe it is time to check it out.


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