
It isn't easy to be in Tete without a car... with the kids needing to get to school... waiting for a lift for shopping... but, that is the case for now.

It isn't easy to LOOK for a "new" car in Tete either. Where do you find a good used car you can trust? There is a dealer, but is he a crook? and he's never actually there to sell the cars.

It isn't easy to wait and see.

On Saturday, Mikael got a call that our car has been FOUND! Miracle of miracles! We didn't actually have faith for that, maybe YOU did. After a quick trip to Malawi where the car was supposed to be, we find out that "It isn't easy to get back a car that was stolen in Mozambique and taked to the bush in Northern Zambia!"

So, if any of you have been near Isoka, Zambia, lately... and have seen this blue car to the left here parked at the police station. You could call me and let me know that it REALLY is my car... and that it is in good shape. And that the police aren't going to charge me lots of money to get it back!

In the mean time, we are checking with any local authorities possible as to HOW to recover a stolen vehicle across international boundaries. Proof of ownership. How not to waste valuable time and money to chase the car.

Keep praying for the car to be rightly returned. Obviously your faith is pretty strong and God is answering your prayers. While you are at it, pray for my kids... they are skittish at any power cut... and don't like it if Daddy has to be gone. Pray for Adrianne who was with us when the robbery occurred. She's a single Brazilian missionary and is also not feeling very safe alone at night. And remember to say a prayer for those other missionaries you know. We are all counting on you!



  1. Yes, I am praying for all times without ceasing. I am praying that you and all you have mentioned are covered with the precious Blood of our Saviour & that you all sit in the palm of His hand & in the shadow of His wing. That nothing, nothing,nothing, nothing, that tries to rise up against you can prosper. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck you from His hand.{know that song?} You all have a Spirit of Power....I know you are using it....don't stop. Keep pressing on and pressing in....He is there, He hears you.

  2. At our home group last night, we prayed for the path to be cleared for you to get your car quickly and simply.

    We love you.

  3. Kära Jeni !
    Tack för din hälsning. Vi fortsätter och ber för er att n ska få tillbaka bilen i bra skick.
    Vi ber också om att barnen ska slippa oron då det är strömavbrott. Många hälsar gm Iréne


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