Ready? Or not?

We have been put into a holding pattern. We had thought that we would return to Mozambique in September, but that is not possible now. We are thankful that the reason for our delay is not bad health or other emergency. You see, we receive more than half of our support from ONE church in Sweden, and the congregation didn't want to make a decision committing hundreds of thousands of dollars over 4 years while everyone was on vacation! I can understand that, but it had looked very positive otherwise right before this meeting changed our plans.

Our first reaction was anger. Such an attitude of righteous indignation! "How can mere men stand in the way of God's work?"Then there was sadness and confusion. "How are we supposed to make plans for our family if we may leave in a few weeks or we may be here until January?" Than there was a period of trying to figure out how to make them change their minds. Then finally a decision to accept the decision and move forward one day at a time.

I was asked to witness in church on Sunday about our work in Mozambique. Everyone had ideas about what I should say: "Tell them how important it is for you to be there. Show pictures of Mozambicans who need you. Make sure they know all that you do there." But I was asked to witness... and that isn't telling about how important we are, that is all about telling how great God is!

First of all, in Proverbs it says "a man makes plans, but God orders his steps." So, we plan to go back to Mozambique, but God will show us and when, and it will be ok. Secondly, Jeremiah says, "I know the plans I have for you... not plans for harm, but plans for hope and a future!" So God promises that He has a good plan for us. Third, I read in 1 Corinthians, "To the God who is able to do immeasurably more than we can hope for... be all glory!" So, we can hope, but He will do more!

All in all, the deal is that it is God's plan to translate the Bible into Nyungwe. We want to be a part of it... we hope and we plan. It is in His hands... and it is SAFE in HIS hands! People won't be able to interfere with His plan unless He lets them. The church's decision to wait to send us out isn't ruining God's plan... or our family's future! It simply isn't time for us to go.

So, are we ready? YES!!! But we can be living here and now in Sweden to the fullest! We can pack our bags, but not jump on the plane. We can put the kids in school, but plan for the home-school we will do later in the year. We can contact our friends in Mozambique, but enjoy the days we have left with family in Sweden. Are we frustrated with 'limbo-land"? In a way, but mostly we are excited to see what God has ahead. Each time He changes our plans, good things happen.

So, this is a chance to trust Him to "order our steps" and give us "immeasurably more than we can hope." Not everyone gets that chance. Just people on the edge of change and big decisions. Cool. We are the lucky ones. We get more changes and big decisions than the average family. Aren't you jealous?


  1. Great idea! Vi kan gå in och läsa och lägga små kommentarer när vi känner för det! du är dessutom en väldigt bra författare så alltså mycket intressant läsning alltid. Kram Kristina

  2. I get to be your first comment!

    I love your blog! You have always been a great descriptive writer (and I'm not just saying that because I'm your sister).

    This will be a great way to keep people informed about your work. It will be great!

    God knows the plans He has for you!
    Love you, Pam

  3. Neat blog. You are a great writer and I love to read about what you are doing.

    I know you are disapointed because you aren't going back to Moz right away. It will be okay because you are following GOD'S PLAN.

    I love you and miss you.

  4. Love the Blog format for you! You are so good at writing, and we love to hear from you.
    Just take one day at a time, God will send you when He's ready for you to go....just be patient...I know that's hard for you! I am your sister!
    Love you bunches! Give the family my love!


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