Surprises from Summertime Christmas in Africa
We spent most of our Christmas vacation here at home in Tete, Mozambique. Some years this has been a time of homesickness for me, but this year I was happy to be home to decorate and celebrate as a family. Katie came home from boarding school, and it was wonderful to have her cheerily settled into her old room. Here are a few of the surprises we experienced during the long summer-Christmas break when the kids were out of school, the team was off work, and our own work was done for the year. A Christmas tree on the Zambezi River... Dhow River tour on the Zambezi. Usually it is a little pricey for us, but when two other families were interested and available, we signed up. Hippos were out bathing, but we didn't see any crocs this time. Tiki, Semu's son, seemed to love trying the recorder and wouldn't let anyone else play it after he got the chance. They opened a bumper-car park in our town! They actually worked and added a fun activity to our li...