Hop. Skip. Jump.
We have landed. Again. This time on an island not far away at all. We are fairly near our last hop... only one time zone changed. We didn't have to change our language this time. We change our spell-checker version to blend in on paper. We taxied out in snow and slush. Freezing weather and Pakistani driver. Five extra large, brand new suitcases found a new home. The next day, the sun came out. It snowed. Rolling the heavy stuff into body, heart and head took muscle. Two boys huffed and puffed their men together. Green tracks in the formerly unblemished blanket of white. Very green for mid-winter. New schools. New friends. New challenges. New ideas. New... New... New... So glad that He who makes all things new is the same always. So glad He who knows all things knew this day always, too. So glad... for green in mid-winter and sunshine in snow and heart and soul and five suitcases that hopped here together. Nothing new about that! So glad! ...